I’d rather pay for Prostitute than beg a lady for sex - Netherlands-based Ghanaian


Netherlands-based Ghanaian Kofi Ghansah has stated that he has never begged for sex and would rather pay a prostitute for sex than beg his girlfriend for sex. 

According to Kofi, he never once begged for sex when he dated his baby mamas. Speaking on SVTV AFRICA with DJ Nyaami, Kofi mentioned that he has his sexual desires in check and would never allow a woman to use sex as a bargaining chip. 

“Ever since I started dating white ladies, I have never begged any of them for sex. They always make the first move. You’re finished as a man if you cannot control your sexual desires. 

She will manipulate you with sex every day. I clean floors for some euros and send them to a girl in Ghana. Do I still have to beg her before touching her? I would rather pay a prostitute,” he said. 

Kofi Ghansah is a father of two boys. He told DJ Nyaami that he will not get married because he sees no benefit.

Known on social media as Mr Happiness, he is known for speaking up habit his job in the Netherlands. In Ghana, many people often belittle certain jobs, but Kofi encourages Ghanaians abroad to embrace the ‘menial jobs’ they do as long as they’re well paid. 

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